We are happy to announce that a new course, Cropping and Grazing Safety, is available on the GPA Training site.
The Cropping and Grazing course is perfect for a new employee to complete prior to arriving on farm for their first day of work.
It introduces the new worker to topics like:
- Safety on Farm
- Managing Risks
- Farm Machinery
- Livestock
- Farm Workshops
- Other Farm Risks
Workers will still need a site-specific information and job-specific training.
If your new worker is arriving during the fire season then this course and Fire Safety and Preparedness are the perfect way to introduce a new person to the basic principles of safety and into your farming team.
To access this course, you will need to be a Silver member. You can upgrade your membership by logging into the site and clicking the “My Account” menu.
As always, if you have any questions, please ask.
~ The GPA Training Team