Coming Soon…

Mouse Bait Stewardship will be available from 1 January 2023
Welcome to the
Grain Producers Australia
Training Site
Practical training for you and your workers
Industry Targeted
Training that is made for the Australian Grains Industry
Any Time
Online Training that is accessible from your own office
Courses for You
Flexible plans to fit your business needs
Mouse Bait Stewardship
IMPORTANT: Permit PER90799 has expired. ZP50 is currently unavailable, pending new application approval.
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has issued a permit to Grain Producers Australia (GPA) for the supply of certain mouse baits containing 50g/kg zinc phosphide (permit PER90799).
The course and reporting is available to Bronze members. Sign up or log in to access the platform.
Bronze Membership

Free for Learner
Free for Learner
Free delivery site inductions
Industry announcements
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Silver Membership

Annual Membership
Access to all Bronze level benefits
Paid delivery site inductions
Farm safety training
About GPA Training
GPA Training is an online training initiative from Grain Producers Australia. Powered by Stage IQ, it offers different training courses, including operational and workplace safety, specifically targeted at farmers and their businesses.
This program is designed by growers and experienced industry professionals, specifically with the needs of farmers in mind, to make it user-friendly and efficient and to save time and reduce costly red tape. The system is designed to take feedback and suggestions from users, to make changes and improve its delivery.