We are happy to announce that a new course, COVID-19 & Your Workplace, is available on the GPA Training site.
Developed using the latest government messaging and content on COVID-19 safety, this course will help you get your workplace ready for the extra workers who will be helping with your harvest.
Course Content
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Agriculture Industry
- COVID-19 and the Agriculture Industry
- What is the Coronavirus and COVID-19?
- Common Symptoms of COVID-19
- Possible Long-Term Effects of COVID-19
- How is COVID-19 Spread?
- How Can I Fight the Spread of COVID-19?
- Legal Requirements During the Pandemic
- Is COVID-19 a Notifiable Incident?
- What if a Worker has COVID-19?
- Controlling Risks and Hazards
- Identifying Risks and Hazards
- Physical and Mental Fatigue
- What is Screening?
- How is Screening Done?
- Physical Distancing
- Possible Exceptions
- Prevent the Spread with Face Coverings
- Workplace Accidents and Face Coverings
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Hygiene in the Workplace
- Regular Cleaning
- Shared Tools, Plant, and Equipment
- Workplace Amenities and Facilities
Working During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Worker Communication
- Talking About COVID-19
- Work Meetings
- What Should You Do?
- Inductions
- Accommodation For Workers
- Workplace Mapping
- Why is Mapping Important?
To access this course, you will need to be a Silver member. You can upgrade your membership by logging into the site and clicking your “My Account” menu.