Mouse Bait Stewardship

Mouse Bait Stewardship

Mouse Bait Stewardship

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has issued a permit to Grain Producers Australia (GPA) for the supply of certain mouse baits containing 50g/kg zinc phosphide (permit PER90799).

This course will assist users with the compliance requirements of permit PER90799.

Covid 19 And Your Workplace

COVID-19 & Your Workplace

The COVID-19 Pandemic affects everyone. This course provides an overview of how it effects agricultural workplaces, ways you can manage the risks, and what to do if an employee has COVID-19.

Fire Safety & Preparedness

Fire Safety & Preparedness

Bringing together guidance from the Victorian Country Fire Authority, the South Australian Country Fire Service, and the NSW RFS, this course covers information that anyone involved in farm activities, who could find themselves involved in a farm fire, should know.
IMPORTANT: This course is NOT intended or designed to teach you how to fight a fire. For information and training on firefighting, you should contact your Rural Fire Authority.

Cropping And Grazing Safety

Cropping and Grazing Safety

Building on the Comprehensive Safety Induction, the Cropping and Grazing course is perfect for a new employee to complete prior to arriving on farm for their first day of work. Workers will still need a site-specific information and job-specific training.

Comprehensive Safety Induction

Comprehensive Safety Induction

The Comprehensive Safety Induction works through broad areas of Managing Risks, Staying Safe, and Working Safe.
The course content has been designed to meet the theory portion of Cert 2 AHCWHS201 (Agricultural WHS).
If completing a Cert 2, check with your RTO as they may recognize this course as prior training. The Comprehensive Safety Induction introduces concepts and practices common to any workplace.